Saturday, May 21, 2011

better to have loved......

so is it wrong to end a relationship if ur not happy¿¿¿¿¿ i mean if it is makin u unhappy then y bother wit it?? i mean uve worked ur butt off for it to work out hopin that u can save something u thought was gunna be forever but i guess it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!!


  1. I have definitely said that at the end of MANY like a charm.

  2. well i mean seriously my mals!! u think ur in love at first but then as u go on in the relationship, u start to think about it a little more and u make mistakes and u pretend to be completely in love wen actually, the love went away along time ago!!!!!! But i guess we get over it and forget about it!!
