Saturday, May 21, 2011

better to have loved......

so is it wrong to end a relationship if ur not happy¿¿¿¿¿ i mean if it is makin u unhappy then y bother wit it?? i mean uve worked ur butt off for it to work out hopin that u can save something u thought was gunna be forever but i guess it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I am suffocating and
I just need to be breathe.
I'm smothered under pressure
I must be relieved.
Nothing I do is right,
Nothing I say is fair.
I cry and scream and throw
a fit. 
But no one seems to care. 
Nobody will listen to what
I have to say. 
My life is not important
but I'm living everyday.
I can't do what i want.
I can't stay out late.
Here I sit and write this
poem to release my pain and hate.
I'm confused and I'm alone.
I'm lost inside my mind.
No one will search beyond my looks
to see what they might find.
So many thoughts confuse me.
Feelings I can't percieve.
In this time of adolescence
and I just need to leave.
None of it makes sense.
None of this seems real.
No one understands the emotions that i feel.
I am suffocating and
I still need to breathe.
I'm smothered under feelings.
Let me be relieved.

                                                             -Marion Distante, 13

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Call Me That Girl.........

People tend to look only at wats on the outside instead of the inside!! If i wanted to be judged on my looks then i would have been born beautiful, but i wasnt so people need to look at wats on the outside instead of the inside!! and see who ireally am!!!