Monday, April 18, 2011

You can't do what i do!

People act like you are their best friend and then they go and talk bad about you to everyone else when your not looking, but you know deep down inside of you, that they wish they were as cool and fun and amazing as you are!!! They may always hate you for something that they wish they were or could be, but in the end you are better than they are because you kept your head up and didn't stoop down to their level of idoitize!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Being You

People say that they hate life and that they hate how people portray them but life is what you make it and if you don't like it, it's your own fault.  You made the image for yourself so, they way you are inside may not always be the you the world knows.  You have to put the real you out there for the world to see.  Be yourself and if people can't love you at your worst then they don't deserve you at your best!!!!!!!!!

Love me

What does this mean?  To me it means that most people listen to you and hear what your saying but they dont really take in the full affect of what just came out of your mouth.  It's like it went in one eaer and out the other.  Some people may touch you to comfort you but do the really feel whats wrong or are they just trying to be simpathetic.  People may say they love you but in the end it's how they have shown it and how they have expressed it to you.  Do you beleive they love you? 

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Isn't that what all of life is anyway?
Shards. Bits. Moments.
Am I less because i have fewer, or do the few
I have mean more?
Am I just as full as anyone else? Enough?
I hold them like they are life itself.
They nearly are.
A bit for someone here.
A bit there.
And sometimes they dont add up to
anything whole.
But you are so busy dancing.
You dont have time to notice.
Or are afriad to notice.
And then one day you have to look
And it's true.
All of your pieces fill up
othere peoples holes.
But they don't fill
your own.

                This was quoted from "The Adoration of Jenna Fox"